
Key Features

EHR incorporate practice management (billing), arranging, documentation, imaging, and digital forms. Validations and modifications keep data neat and accurate, reducing the likelihood of expensive data validation discrepancies and corrections. 

Electronic Health Records

A single electronic register handles and protects all electronic health records. The professionals can track each client’s data from their first interaction with the client to the end of their treatment. Other components integrated into the system include timetabling, referral, registration, e-prescribing, health review, program schedules, and success reports. All generated reports involve complete documentation and scanning capability.
EHR incorporate practice management

Program Applicability

PacePlus software funds a wide variety of health and human resources, including mental health and substance abuse management and cure, psychiatric and nursing care, consumer-operated rehabilitation and self-help initiatives, child care and protection, social support, programs for handicaps, foster care, educational help, and many other out-of-home support programs.

Workflow Management

PacePlus EHR incorporate practice management incorporates iWorkflow, which allows providers, payers, and public health systems to organize, simplify, and share information with other institutions. iWorkflow’s comprehensive and stable functionality enables users to verify requirements, process, and exchange data, reducing duplication and discrepancies between systems. iWorkflow’s functions include queuing, update notifications, auditing, routing, and compliance checking.

e-Prescription Feature

PacePlus includes the Info-Scriber Electronic Prescription Application, which consists of a prescriber library, drug-to-drug, drug-to-food contact monitoring, and allergy warnings. It also caters to breastfeeding and lactation reminders and patient medication guidance leaflets. This approach enables prescribers and their representatives to print prescriptions or deliver them online or via FAX to pharmacies. It also provides standard reviews to aid in drug monitoring and a titration/taper module for incremental prescription dosing. The ePrescription features also include a notes function to record and keep track of important reminders.

Document Imaging

iImage is a web component for document imaging that uses automatic controls to scan, compile, and manipulate paper-based records and electronic files such as Word and Excel into a single detailed form. This feature gives approved users access to all client data. iImage offers a quick and easy way to handle client information and documents within each file.

Time Tracking

PacePlus integrates a time-tracking component that enables companies to track and document staff hours and pay dates and export time data to third-party payroll systems. Each user can compute team member hours using a customizable formula. The formula includes date, branch, place, start/end time, work type, salary class, task codes, etc. This part aids in the reduction of misunderstanding and expensive mistakes affecting team member salaries.

This component enables the admin or accounting department to approve time before payroll delivery. The records you hold must be accurate and proper. Another excellent advantage is that the time tracking feature is web-based. Hence, there is no need to install any software solution for it to function. You can use it from anywhere with an internet connection. The power of PacePlus will give your company a competitive advantage in team member time monitoring.

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111 W. Jackson Blvd. Ste. 1146, Chicago, IL 60604 

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